How he became an artist:
- 1979: He begins to paint. At the same time he meets Jacques Vanhout an artist (painter, sculptor, interior designer) in whose studio he works as a student during the holidays.
- 1988: He takes a course of screen printing taught by Kamiel Somers.
- 1989-1990: He takes a life drawing course taught by Bertho Pauly
- 1991-1995: He starts making oil paintings and ceramic sculptures
- Early 90s : He takes part in several group exhibitions
- 1995: He exhibits his oil and acrylic paintings and ceramics in Hasselt Art Gallery
- 1996- 2013: Due to the success he has as an architect, he has less time for art. His architectural bureau won several awards and got some media attention:
- Architectuur en interieurhappening bouwinnovatie 2000:
- Prijs Beter Bouwen
- Tweede publieksprijs
- Architectuur en interieurhappening bouwinnovatie 2001:
- Articles:
- Architectuur en interieurhappening 2000, ‘Architect Eric Vandeput’
- Architectuur en interieurhappening 2001, ‘Architect Eric Vandeput’
- Beter bouwen en verbouwen, april 2001, ‘Een huis: twee in één’
- Het Belang van Limburg magazine, 21/05/2005, ‘Huis van de week: een groene oase midden in de stad’
- Projecto, augustus 2010, ‘Het eerste massiefpassiefhotel ter wereld staat in Heusden-Zolder’
- Limburg Manager, oktober 2010, ‘Eco-Logies’
- Broadcasts:
- 2013: He takes more time to paint and starts creating a series of oil paintings called "inspiring people"
- 2015: Group exhibition "Lens en Penseel", Cultureel Centrum Hasselt
- 2015: Group exhibition "10-jarig bestaan Kunstpunt Caré", Kunstpunt Caré Hasselt
- 2015-2016: Solo Exhibition at Issa-Moda, Hasselt
- 2016: Selection and Exhibition: Fedos Zenith 2016 Brussels Expo + first price Flemish Brabant
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