
For more information or purchases contact Eric Vandeput at or 011/727104

Book: "Inspiring People"

With the book "Inspiring People" Eric Vandeput proposes a series of oil paintings. He thus wants to bring people forward who have meant something to the world. They are all personalities who have achieved something remarkable by a certain wisdom of philosophical, religious, spiritual or social level. Wisdom, happiness and understanding often start with an open mind that is able to marvel. Through his book he would like to share with you this wonder.
  • Hardcover, 210x297mm/portrait, 128 pages, full color, paper: 170g silk mc
  • Price 29,5 Euro
Book1 Book5 Book4

Artprints "Inspiring People"

  • Artprint signed by artist, 10 editions, framed format:60x80, aquarellepaper: 300g/mē, Price 590 Euro
  • Available for all works of the serie: "Inspiring People"
boeddha maharishi mahesh yogi ludo janssen thich nhat hanh

Oil paintings "Inspiring People" more information on request